Friday, January 30, 2009

I bought OPOSBG!

That stands for Over-Priced, Out-of-Season Green Beans. IHP would kill me right now. It's also ridiculous that I was picking these green beans all summer from Granny's garden and certainly did not pay $6 for them. But that's the precise reason I bought them. So suck it!

What else?

Got into a car accident. [expletive, expletive, expletive] It was my fault. But not really my fault because unplowed snow/ice + my brakes = sliding past a stop sign at 7am. Still, my insurance is going to skyrocket just in time for me to graduate and be unemployed!

Went to David's Bridal today and got measured for my dress. Woot. Not much has changed size-wise since freshman year of high school. Not much, except for my waist. Ha! Oh well. I'm a growing girl, right? A couple of inches seems normal for seven years. At least to me.

Last but not least, I have started my applications. Teach for America, Peace Corps, and a fellowship. Also Environment America and Fund for the Public Interest. I wrote the last one last because it's my last resort. Yeah. And I'm sure it's in the bag. But whatever. I've got interviews, so we'll see.

I think that's it for now. Class starts on Monday. Can't wait. [expletive expletive]


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