Sunday, January 4, 2009

I am no Shaun White

In case anyone thought for a second that I would understand the concept of snowboarding, I would just like to inform you that I do not.

I guess that's not exactly true, but I definitely felt it better to purposely fall down than risk falling off the mountain. I'm sure it wouldn't have been so bad, but I was going wayyyy to fast for my liking, so I took matters into my own hands. And now my shoulder is hella sore. And I fell on the same place that I did in Mexico (when I blacked out on the sidewalk), which was painful to say the least. But it was totally worth it. The next time I have enough extra cash, I'm going again. Anyone in the NY/MA area wanna come with? I promise this time I will get more than three hours of sleep the night before.

Off subject: snowboarding may be a metaphor for my life. I mean, I could make a metaphor for my life out of just about anything, but I'd say this is pretty good.

Also, does anyone else have words that they type or write, but that they would never say in real life? "Hella" is one of those words for me.

Leaving for Orlando in four days. Which means I have four days to recover from snowboarding, and prepare for the 5K. God. Sometimes I feel like a masochist. And guess who left their running shoes at school!


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