Monday, January 19, 2009

Oh crap... another semester like the last?

Well they posted books needed for my classes next semester.  My last semester (holy crap!).  But looking at this list for my political science class-- that I was so excited about-- I may need to rethink this.  The class itself is about people, agriculture, and the environment, which sounds awesome since I want to do work in environmental policy.   However, one of the books for the class is called "Starved for Science: How Biotechnology is Being Kept Out of Africa."  This is a book written by my professor.  Sounds great, right?  No.  It doesn't.  I'm supposed to write papers about biotechnology when I disagree with his premise in the first place-- that is, that biotechnology (specifically GE/ GM seeds) should be anywhere?  Another book is called "Innovations in Natural Resource Management," which argues that property rights are necessary to give motivation for sustainable use of renewable resources.  So much for the commons.

Oh crap.  It should be interesting, right?  I spent last semester arguing with my professors because we disagreed with basic premises of the class.  I'm kind of looking forward to it, actually.  I like debating issues.  Hopefully it will work out better for me as a student than last semester...

I'm also taking a political science research class and a women studies class.  Someone made the comment that I should not graduate from Wellesley without taking women's studies-- it's like women's studies capital of the world.  So, why not?  I needed to take a third class, anyway.  And again, I like debating things... who better to argue with than a feminist?  Looking forward to it...


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