Sunday, January 18, 2009


I've noticed that all of my recent blog posts have been titled with some kind of noise, so I'm just going with the flow this time.

I am so pissed I don't have pictures from this weekend. It was fabulous. Saw some great people, did some great things, and can't wait to do it all again soon. <3

Next weekend I'll either be in NYC or at home, depending on Granny. My dad called this morning to say that she was out of it since talking to me yesterday afternoon on the phone, and is probably not going to pull through this time. I feel weird writing about it because she's so unpredictable, and I honestly said this six months ago and she's still here. Oh boy. One day at a time.

I've applied for a couple of positions, just submitting resumes. I don't want to be working twelve hours a day, seven days a week, so I'm trying to start early. I even made an excel sheet with job info and their deadlines. I haven't looked at it since, but at least I made it. And I'll probably still end up working "campaign hours" at whatever crappy, have-to-apply-for-food-stamps job I get, but then I will just have to stick it out. Not much else to do. But until I have that crappy job, I will apply for everything. The real world is only six months away!


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