Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I am watching 24. I didn't think I would be interested anymore (ya know, like that period of my life would be over) but the producers know what they're doing. And they brought back one aspect of the show that will keep me watching until I turn grey. Tony Almeida. That's right.

I'm back at Wellesley. I did the 5k. Here's pictures of my sister, Krista. I'm in the background/ sideground of these. We are not really running. There were almost 5,000 people and running wasn't really an option. We got stuck behind people and the course didn't really accomodate passing them. But then we saw cameras and were like, "Crap! We have to at least look like we're running!" So we would start jogging, basically in place, until we passed them. Then 50 yards ahead we would spot another photographer and have to affect running again. Ha. It was hilar. (That's another word I type but don't say. Add it to the list.)

As for Disney, Viva Gaia! That was their theme and the conservation issue is pretty big. I also learned that Disney bought the land with the strict purpose of not developing 8,000 acres of it. Ever. No matter what. Which is pretty cool. I went on the safari ride... not as cool as the real thing, but there were a lot of rhinos which I didn't see in Ngorongoro. Except the one that took forever to get a thumbnail picture of with my camera and monocular. And I'm pretty sure Lucy was out there. She was the rhino we got to meet on our backstage tour a couple of years ago when we learned about their efforts and conservation and animal stuff at Disney. Lucy was a white rhino. She was a baby then, and would lean up against the side of the barrier so that we could pet her. Adorable.

Also kind of got along with my mom. My sisters were in a funk and it was upsetting my mom. (Anyone who knows me knows how ridiculously defensive my family is, and how they can just... ugh, I don't even know what to call it. Be mean, I guess. Being away from it most of the time makes it harder to be around it when I am, and I am really trying to lose that trait myself.)

Babysitting went alright. I'm going to NYC in a week and a half, and I'm sooo excited about it. Rice to Riches, here I come! And hopefully to upstate NY and Amherst, too.

OHHH. And I got my grades from last semester. Thank GOD. That's all I have to say. Big sigh of relief. Maybe I can still graduate with honors? ...Graduate. Eek. That's a scary thought. I'll update on life plans once I have some. Ha.


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