Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I don't really know how to type out the sound I made. But this was a story on the news tonight: A mother and father are arrested for shooting their children for fun.

Uhhh--whaaa? First of all, who does that?? Like, if your mad at your kids or feel like your life would be better, fine. (NOT fine, but you know what I'm saying. Hopefully.) But seriously, FOR FUN?!? Who DOES that? "Well, wifey, there's nothing on tv tonight. Wanna play with the shotguns? We'll get the kids. It'll be family bonding. And target practice. All at once." ?!?

Also, I'm assuming this happened in the Charlotte area, which should really tell you the kind of city I'm dealing with here. Now I can honestly say, "yeah, it's so boring here, people shoot their kids for fun."


Well, I'm video-chatting with Jeff and trying to pack to leave in 5 hours. Ugh. I hate packing. But I'll miss you Charlotte-area kids. And if anyone just so happens to come across a Reef flip flop in the parking lot of BiLo, send it my way. That was a crazy night, but that flip flop was my favorite. Not just that pair, but that particular flip flop of the pair. RIP flip flop. I will miss you.

But really, kids, I will miss you. Only six more months. Sigh. June cannot come soon enough.


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