Tuesday, February 24, 2009

"People are autonomous agents, damn them."

I swear, my research methods professor is hilarious. This won out over my other favorite comment from class today: "We like pot, we like dogs." The two do seem to go hand in hand, don't they? That comment was in reference to two MA ballot initiatives, one being to decriminalize marijuana, the other to make greyhound racing illegal. They both passed, hence the comment. (I know too many people who are probably going to move to MA now, and it won't be for the dog-friendly atmosphere.)

The other comment made it to the subject line because it was in discussion of how you can never have a regression coefficient of 1, because the world is not perfect. And it seemed more fitting to my life, since I'm growing more comfortable with the fact that I can't control people, or change them, or make them want to change. Which has been a problem in my life, since I get into sucky situations hoping that one of the above will occur. After which I end up getting hurt because none of them do. And some people can be a little too selfish and careless. I mean, sure, everyone needs to be selfish sometimes, but really, people. Consider what you're being selfish about and whether or not being so hurts people in the process. Because that's just not okay. And I'm guilty of this, too. So call me out on it if you see it happening at all, to anyone. Because that's just not okay.

Oh man, something else I've realized. That time in a relationship doesn't mean ANYTHING as far as its effect on your life. For instance, relationship for almost 4 abusive years v. a period of about 4-5 months. Guess which one I still can't talk about.

I have an interview in two days! Eep! I hate interviews! I get all flustered and excited and come off sounding like an idiot. But I don't want this job that badly. Well, depending on the position they offer, anyway. Two days, I find out about whether or not I got another interview. Crossing my fingers for that one.

Alright, I've got to pass out soon or I will go crazy. Powershift this weekend, Charlotte/Asheville/Raleigh/Chapel Hill/who knowwwws in one month! YES!


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