Thursday, February 26, 2009


This time it's for Peyton, not for me. So what is new with my life?

I had an interview with Environment America today, and was offered a second interview before I left. That's pretty cool. It's a two year fellowship where I could possibly be working on bills and legislation for one particular issue, which is right up my alley... I hope this means I could end up in DC after all...

My TFA interview is on Tuesday morning. That one I'm a bit more nervous and still a bit conflicted about, but we'll see.

I was also offered a paid position in the company for which I was volunteer blogging, sweet as. It was a bit unexpected, but I guess they like me enough to pay me now, so that's good. Hopefully I can keep up with all of this stuff! That's what makes me most nervous.

I got a message the other night from an old friend with the greeting, "Hippie! (an old nickname from high school)" And oh man, it made my night. He's just hilarious. And he posited that we should go to graduate school together. I messed up the college plans because I went to an all women's college. Oops. But he's going on tour this summer with his band, and I'm so so so happy for him! Way to live the dream, dude. An inspiration. <3 to you.

Umm I guess that's about it... I'm going to DC tomorrow with a carload of people for the Power Shift conference. Hopefully that will be fun, and I'll get to visit some old stomping grounds, and old friends. I'm thinking I'll drop off a resume at the NRDC... couldn't hurt, right? :)

My more personal stuff is too personal to post. It's funny how you forget things until the topic of conversation comes up again. There's been some talk/discussion/debate on campus about abuse and what constitutes an abuser... and woah, memories. It's weird to remember, though, especially this particular memory, because it's just that absurd. Like, I couldn't make up something as absurd as this. We'll save that for another time, when I feel like getting into it. But what does constitute abuse? If he hits you once, should you end it? What about drawing the line with emotional abuse? And what do you do about it? I'll let you chew on that for a while, then I'll give my unique input, since I have a bit of experience in the area.

Oh, and some quiz questions before I go:

1) What is one thing that makes seahorses unique? (I say unique, which is very subjective, but something that we humans would find abnormal.)

2) How many siblings do I have? Name them. (If you're my sibling, you're getting off very easy here in the beginning.)

And the answer to the last questions were, as posted:

1) Gerald Ford. He was nominated by Nixon after VP Agnew resigned, and became President after Nixon resigned. Follow up question, if you're just that good: Who did Ford nominate to fill his VP vacancy when he became President? It's a big name, hint, hint.

2) Rae. My dad would play "doe ray me" on the piano, and instead of "Ray, a drop of golden sun," it became, "Rae, Johanna's middle name..." Tee hee. He also changed Puff the Magic Dragon to live in a land called Hanna Rae, instead of Hannalee (or however it's spelled).

That's all for now! See ya on the flip side!


Peyton said...

1) oh oh oh i know this one... the men have the babies... yes... my kind of species!

2) i think you have 3 siblings... but to be fair you don't exactly talk about them equally (sorry johanna's siblings). I'm pretty sure you have two sisters and a brother. All older... yea you are the baby!
Jessica is the sibling closest in age to you. The other two have names but i can't remember them :)

And this procrastination didn't take up near enough time!

Jess said...

to help peyton out:

krista: 37 this coming may.

paul: 32 as of feb. 20

me: 24 (eeeeek!) this june

Jess said...

also, i missed bonus quiz time.

vp under ford was nelson rockefeller.

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