Sunday, February 15, 2009

"I think there's a little efficacy, but I don't think I could sit in Barack Obama's lap."

That's a quote from the professor of my PoliSci research methods class, in regards to graph analysis of a survey from ANES. I thought it was hilarious, so I'm sharing here.

What else is going on? Hmm. My car got towed last night, emptying my available cash balance from my bank account. Yes, Jeff, I should have just come to see you this weekend. In my journal before I left for the party, I wrote that I was going to push my luck and go out on Friday the 13th. Clearly I should not tempt fate.

Also, after spending about four straight hours on the phone tonight, I have realized that if you can't spend that long on the phone (with someone you talk to a lot, anyway), you must be uninteresting. Because our conversation was long and disconnected (horror movies to relationship stuff to personal insight to god knows what else) but it was fun and interesting.

Valentine's Day = one of the stupidest holidays ever. Though I might just think that because everyone I've been with one Valentine's day have been the biggest, most unromantic people ever.

Except for Jake, my "best Valentine's day ever." Goodness. I was way too immature/damaged from my previous relationship to understand what all that meant. Amazing.

Which brings up a point of a convo I had with Tonya about grand gestures. I don't need them, and oddly enough the people I don't need them from are the people most willing to do it. The whole grand gesture idea is only romantic insofar that it's not about having to prove your feelings for someone, it's just because you truly want to do something more than your normal, everyday doings, and you want to do it for the other person. That's what makes them so lovely, when they happen, because they are completely selfless. Because the person knows you don't need grand gestures but chooses to do them anyway.

That said, doing it on V-day just is ridiculous. It's a made up holiday with so much material crap attached to it, it makes me want to puke. Of course, I don't like celebrating holidays at all, because I feel like you shouldn't have to wait for a holiday to celebrate a person or a relationship or whatever.

That said, Thanksgiving is an exception. It's my favorite holiday. And to get family together and off of work, you do need the excuse of it being a holiday.

Here's an idea for another holiday (to perhaps replace Valentine's Day)-- ELECTION DAY. Gah.

Going rock climbing tomorrow, yay. Haven't gone up here since sophomore year, so I'm in definite need.


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