Sunday, February 22, 2009

"If music be the food of love, play on."

Anyone know what that is from?

I'm going to make my blog more fun by adding quizzes. So that's the first question. Ten points, because I'm sure you can guess who wrote it, but in what?

Tonight I went to the A Capella competition. It was great. Particularly the Barnard/Colombia group, Non Sequitur. One arrangement for "I'm Yours" was incredible. Really. It's amazing to me. And of course, the Blue Notes and Tupelos performed as well-- Tupelos, which used to be really good, needed some work, though they came in third. Maybe they were nervous? Blue Notes hosted, and had an amazing performance. I was impressed, and they did one of my favorites, "On the Radio."

Anyway, I guess I've been MIA. Life is crazy! I'm busy with class and heading to DC next weekend for the Powershift conference, and staying with Jennie Sisk, yay! I'm also pitching an idea to my professors in the political science department to do a paper for each of them on the same subject-- one being qualitative for my seminar, and one being quantitative for my research methods. Hm, we'll see. I need some ideas... anyone got something environment-related? Agriculture-related?

Speaking of professors, I'm missing a make-up class on Monday, so I met with my seminar professor and we discussed many, many things beyond our famine reading. Including, but not limited to: GMOs, the UN, anarchy, "international aid," corn subsidies, cotton subsidies, Ethiopia, Sudan, and "democracy." It was crazy, and I can't wait to go to that class again. I'll probably post a lot about it on this blog, so be prepared. You might be hearing a lot about the Ethiopian Famine in 1984-5, since I've chosen my first research paper to be on that topic.

I find out this week if I got an interview. Hoorah. And I need to fill out my application for Peace Corps, since I found out that the application process takes a YEAR. As in, I wouldn't be leaving, if accepted, until this time next year. Ugh. I guess that means I'd have time to travel, right?

I'm being incredibly cultured this semester, and taking full advantage of all of Wellesley's resources. Particularly theatre, the gym, and the pub. Somehow those three things all fit together for me.

Awkward moment with Jeff the other day. I'm not really sure what's going on there.

Also, a person from my past has been entering my thoughts lately. It's weird because I really would like to contact him but I don't think that is a good idea. Even though I want to apologize and explain the impact he's had on my life. It's just weird. Very weird. I blame my medication.

Okay, I wish I had some multimedia going on here to make this more interesting. Sorry. Maybe I'll scan a picture in here from the few that someone I used to know gave me from our DC trip. I do love DC. Sighhhh.


Peyton said...

shakespeare, twefth night... however i knew that before reading the labels on your blog!

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