Monday, June 22, 2009

Preparation...and pictures

I'm trying to start my life as a real live adult. And that starts with getting my finances in order: reviewing my credit report and putting together a payment plan for my student loans. Which are going to kick my ass. But at least I am now fully aware of how much so. Luckily, I realized two years ago that I needed to start saving money, so as it turns out I'm pretty responsible. Whew.

Krista and I have also been taking hikes to prepare for our AT backpacking trip. Oh, did I not update y'all? We said, "screw it, let's do the Appalachian Trail instead." I mean, really, why not? When the AT is in your backyard, you've gotta do it. We're still doing a loop, though, since we need a way home. So this past Saturday we did a bit over 6 miles at Crowders Mountain. My favorite trail= Rocktop trail. I've done it before but we crossed back this time with Crowders Trail. It was legit 97 degrees this weekend with what must have been 70% humidity. I stopped to take a picture of a bridge about .2 mile in, and beads of sweat started dripping down my forehead. Like, wait a minute, I haven't even started the physical activity...

So here are some pictures of Krista and me preparing. I decided that there would be plenty of photo documentation of this trip. It is my graduation gift and all.

Training, day one (Probably only about a 2.7mi day):
King's Pinnacle Trail

I thought these trees were pretty cool

Krista at completion

Training, day two (Over 6mi for sure, maybe 6.5mi):
The bridge from my above story

Krista's point in the direction we need to go-- UP.

One gorgeous overlook.

Do you see the blazes? This is why it's my favorite

Robyn would be so proud of the bouldering

Well that about wraps it up. I have a deadline tomorrow for replyforall, but eh. I'll just get up early. Oh, also in my life preparation is GRE preparation. I don't even know what the test consists of section/question-wise, so I should really start looking into that. Anyone with any recommendations for computer- v. paper based?

Lastly, as I finish this massive blog post, I must say a bravissima! to Anna. She seems to be the only one who knows this quiz stuff (except Tonya knew the Nancy Drew, she just didn't post it). But honestly, people, if you don't start commenting soon, I'm going to stop blogging altogether (except for the paid stuff, of course). And it creeps me out a little that I don't know who's reading my posts...

Anyway, quiz time:

1) Explain the origin of PWNED. Then tell me how long it takes for the sun's light to reach the earth.

2) I have two massive collections of things. Other people are responsible for one collection (i.e. given to me as gifts), I am responsible for the other. What are they? Hint: They both have something in common-- their theme, perhaps. Another hint: Both can be found a my favorite store in Charlotte. Bonus if you know what that is.


Peyton said...

I think I'm always going to fail all your quizzes... but so you don't stop posting... i'm commenting!
boo for student loans!

Anonymous said...

I get a big fail on the quiz this time. However -- as far as the GRE goes it's like the SAT: math, lit/reading comp, writing. The only difference is that the math is about the same level and the lit part is ten times harder. I got two kaplan books -- the overall review with practice cds and free online quizzes and the math review. Combining that with a new subscription to Webster's word of the Day in my email and I felt pretty good about the GRE.


Robyn said...

1. pwned comes from the misspelling of 'owned', because p is right next to o. online gamers talk shit to one another via typing, and i guess in the heat of battle, pwned was a common enough mistake that it became its own word.

sun light to reach earth? I do believe its around 7 minutes. we did take astronomy together once long ago, eh?

2. and the last question: one is a 'collection' of journals? (ones given as gifts). that is my best guess.

Robyn said...

p.s. I am so proud of the bouldering. make sure to bring your shoes out here!!

j-rae said...

1. Close, Robyn! It was actually a typo by a video game programmer, so it came up on players' screens (I think it was Warcraft?), and then caught on. And it's a bit more than 8 min on average.

2. Correct! My other collection (self-acquired) is related to writing as well-- stationary.

j-rae said...

p.s. climbing shoes are on the list!

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