Friday, June 19, 2009

Getting my head on straight

So my head's been in a bad place lately. I'm not really sure why but I wasn't my normal, carefree self. And that sucks. Worst of all, I spent the last week or so going about my day without thought. Now I wonder if that is why I'd been irritable, because I wasn't paying attention to life. I think when you live on purpose, it's a lot easier to go with the flow. I know that statement may seem contradictory, but I don't think it is at all.

Or maybe it's just the weather that's making me irritable. It is absurdly sticky outside, all the time. It's so hot it rains. If you live in humidity, that makes perfect sense to you and you understand exactly the situation in which I find myself. And you know that it's not pleasant. I feel like clothing should be optional in weather like this. Seriously.

...I'm doing more work for replyforall, which is nice, and I even have a work address now. It's almost like I have a real job!

Ohhhh. I saw Atonement. It was pretty incredible and now I'm upset I didn't read the book first. James McAvoy is working his way up the list of actors whom I will almost surely see in any film. I mean, come on, Wanted? That was pretty badass-- very reminiscent of Fight Club. Though I'm not a fan of any of his female film counterparts. So you must understand that, when I say Atonement is worth two hours of your life, it's not because Keira Knightley stole the show.

Speaking of shows! Phantom of the Opera? I think the music gives me chills just about every time I hear it, but yesterday was the first time I'd seen it on stage. And seriously, I don't think musicals can ever live up to that standard ever again (or rather, they haven't since Weber brought Phantom to Broadway). The set was brilliant (I could talk about that for days), the music was looming, and the script was funny. And of course the mix between Broadway and Opera was pure genius. I mean, come on, people. I loved Wicked and all, but a moving dragon does not, nor could it ever, live up to a falling chandellier.

(For those of you who don't know, I am a HUGE theatre geek. So much so that I spell theatre with an "re" instead of an "er." Whatever. That's how it's spelled.)

Let's end on that note with a quiz question. I don't know if I should ask another random, because apparently no one knows the difference between the Qur'an and the hadith. Look it up, people. It might clear up some confusion, and then you can school some Republican/Conservative/Christian ass. Or stop being one of them yourself.

Sorry, that was off-subject. The question is: What is a childhood favorite musical of mine? (Hint: it's still a favorite and I performed in it. Bonus if you can tell me my role.)


Anonymous said...

I just didn't want to be a know it all on the previous post! :D

Qu'ran is the foremost religious text for Islam. The hadith is a "compilation" of the life, deeds, etc. of the Muhammad. (Both are part of the Sunnah.)

Jess said...

Oklahoma! You were Ado Annie. Also, I would very much like that soundtrack back when you get a chance.

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