Sunday, May 17, 2009

It's over...

and I'm flipping ecstatic. Flipping. Yes. I want to do flips. Because it's finally OVER.

What, you ask? Well, you haven't been talking to me lately if you don't know.

Zapatistas can suck it because my paper is done and turned in and it's late and I don't carrreeeeeee. (I'm saying that to the tune of a song. A song I just made up in my head.) (Zapatistas, don't really suck it. I just spent 20 pages defending you, I really like you. Really the paper can suck it.)

Alright, it's four AM which means in a couple of hours I will have been up for one complete day, and while that's probably the most entertaining time to be around me, I don't think it really comes across in writing (it's so hard to convey tone!).

So I am excited for today because it's Sunday and I get to see Molly and Emma. And that will complete an almost perfect weekend. Near perfect. Like, pretty up there as far as weekends go...yeah.

And, to complete this post before I finish this beer and fall asleep to the birds chirping outside my window, I will make one of my handy lists.

Best things EVER when you're in a good mood, but not so much if you're in a bad one:

1.)Birds chirping outside the window
2.)Kids saying (you guessed it) the darnedest things
3.)Rain on your face when you've forgotten an umbrella
4.)Loud music to the point of obnoxious-ity (yeah, is there no noun for that? Interesting discovery...)
6.)Lots of giggling
8.)Someone blowing up your phone

Okay, that's all I can think of at the moment. It's kind of hard to think of things that wouldn't be awesome if you were in a bad mood. Because I'm kinda delirious right now. But eight things is actually a lot. Hm. I'll have to work on that when I'm in a bad mood to cut that list down.

ALLLLSO. My element is water. (If you're an IHPer, you should read this the same way Helena said it during the Captain Planet group checks. If you're not, ask me for my impression.)

Picture from abroad, because why the hell not:
This week's quiz: name this tree.

I love big trees.

I want to go camping.

(and then I found $20)


Jess said...

duh. baobob. or however you spell it.

Peyton said...

yea... i'm bad at trees... but ummm i'm glad you are happy!

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