Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I'm sick :(

I'm dying.

...That was dramatic. But my throat is KILLING me. I'm sure the stress over Zapatista paper/finals had something to do with it. And also perhaps the fact that my 3 hours in the car to and from Amherst to visit with Molly and Emma was spent singing very loudly along to my music.

So clearly the best recourse for this is drinking beer. And going to sleep early. I'll write my last paper tomorrow. (Last paper of my college career, perhaps? Cross yo' fingers, bitches!)

My throat is so hoarse... I just tried to squeal out of excitement, and no sound came out of my mouth. Though I did hear the dog barking downstairs...

I'm not in an over-thinking sort of mood right now (you're thinking "WHAT? Does that Johanna even exist??" I assure you it does), so I'll save the things more serious to talk about later. Right now I have just been enjoying every moment without thinking of their implications. That's for another time.

So to end this, I'll leave you with a video that makes fun of college kids. I think I'm allowed to do that since I won't be a college kid very, very soon.

Police Slog Through 40,000 Insipid Party Pics To Find Cause Of Dorm Fire


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