Monday, May 18, 2009


So I'm sitting in the Atrium doing my work, surrounded by the Emerald Palace from the Wizard of Oz. (Backstory: senior prank every year is to decorate buildings, and Pendleton was the WOO. You can imagine my delight. Especially because they also took my idea to recycle bottles to use as decorations. It's was a recycled Emerald Palace. Marvelous.) I'm going to tell it as a story:

It's finals, people are being extremely quiet and getting their work done. You're quietly procrastinating. Seniors are gearing up to party and graduate and celebrate Wellesley either though reminiscing over Wellesley memories or imagining how great it will be to have Wellesley as a just a memory.

And then, from beyond the clickity-clack of computer keys, you hear something. "Sssssssssss." This hissing noise is coming from behind you and don't want to turn around because, much like smiling at strangers on campus, a turn will incite glares hinged with "mind your own business." So you remain in your mime-like cubicle as the hissing becomes closer. Suddenly you see it out of the corner of your eye: a custodian. He's walking by, pulling balloons off the wall, one by one, and cutting holes in them. He drops them on the floor, and the balloons squirm as air is released. You, as a senior, find this to be very symbolic of your relationship with Wellesley as the institution. You feel like you're withering away. Your soul is a deflating balloon.

Just as you laugh to yourself over the balloons, the custodian either can't reach or has become impatient. "POP." He is now popping balloons, and you notice the stop of the clickity-clack. Everyone has noticed. The balloons, themselves now penetrated , have penetrated the mime-like cubicles of Wellesley students.

As it turns out, people are aware of life off the computer screen during finals. Even if they still glare when you smile.

Okay, I really could make up an entire story based off of that one situation, but I really should get back to replyforall stuff since I actually get PAID for writing there. Though it's not nearly as entertaining.


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