Sunday, March 8, 2009

It's been a while...

Well hellooooo again. It's been a while.

First of all, I would like to point out that my sister is being a "that girl" because she is not only answering all of the questions (correctly), but also adding in more information than was asked. I never asked for ages, sis!

Anyway, what has been going on in my life? I went to Power Shift, which was awesome. Not the conference, but the people. :) Ummm I had a phone interview, which I don't think went so hot. I have a lot of work due in the next two weeks. I have a second interview on Friday, for which I have to do homework (I'm getting to that, over a week late. How like me). Habitat build yesterday, which was great (pictures on facebook).

Oh, and speaking of facebook, ya know how they take information from your profile and try to place ads specifically for you? Check this one out:
Kind of hilarious.

Wow, it has been a long time, but I don't really feel like I have all that much to say. I'm happy. That's good, right? Oh, and my body works! Yay! Even though it's currently in pain.

So here are the quiz questions:

1) When was homosexuality taken out of the APA's diagnostic manual of mental disorders?

2) What's my vegan cheat, tried and true? (**Clarification: there's plenty of non-vegan things I've eaten since becoming vegan--I wouldn't survive at my grandmother's without them-- but there is one thing that I can't say no to. I.e. I've had pizza since becoming vegan, but I don't have it whenever it's around. This is something I will not turn down when offered.**)


Jess said...

1. this is a trick question. 1974 (which was my first guess) marks the removal of homosexuality as a disorder, but it is then replaced with "sexual orientation disturbance." that is then replaced by "ego-dyostonic homosexuality", which is removed with the publication of the dsm-iii-r in 1987. the current edition (dsm-iv-tr) has a "sexual disorder-not otherwise specified", but this is in no way linked to a person being homosexual.

2. milk chocolate m & m's. (just a guess. let me know if i'm right.)

Jess said...

1. this is a trick question. 1974 (which was my first guess) marks the removal of homosexuality as a disorder, but it is then replaced with "sexual orientation disturbance." that is then replaced by "ego-dyostonic homosexuality", which is removed with the publication of the dsm-iii-r in 1987. the current edition (dsm-iv-tr) has a "sexual disorder-not otherwise specified", but this is in no way linked to a person being homosexual.

2. milk chocolate m & m's. (just a guess. let me know if i'm right.)

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