Sunday, March 15, 2009

There just becomes a point...

when you get tired of being angry. And tired of being stressed.

There just becomes a point when you realize that you are small, that you no longer have control of the past (because it has passed), that you must move on.

There just becomes a point when all you can do is your best, for yourself and for those around you. When you look at the facts, and realize that you can't change them, when you can't muscle them to be convenient, when you are left with nothing but accepting it and working from that point on.

Some people will never apologize for their mistakes. Some people will never realize they made mistakes. (But that doesn't make it any less real for the people affected by them.)

And when that is the case, there just becomes a point when you will take them in, whether they are your mistakes or someone else's, and you must change. You must become the verb. You must be the action, rather than the consequence. You must no longer worry of being the victim or the victor, but just live. And live well, starting from your heart (where it has been, all along). You must listen, because you have no choice but to listen, to the silent, still voice inside of your very being. You may call it what you want, but listen. Let it direct you.

Because there just becomes a point to it all.


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