Friday, October 9, 2009

Someone's in the kitchen...

If you don't cook, you should.  If you do, go vegan.  It's a fun challenge.  One at which I've utterly failed as of late (Damn you, cheese and yogurt!  Damn you, lack of Whole Foods in the south!). 

Regardless, I've been enjoying my favorite snack-- sweetriot chocolate bars. Yep, they're expensive.  But they're also vegan, and dark chocolate.  Oh, and they're pretty friendly to humans and the earth in the process.

On that note, I've realllyyy been wanting to try this recipe.  If you can find the ingredients (yeah, south Charlotte sucks) you need to try this out, it's really quick and probably tastes like heaven: vegan chocolate mix.

Lastly, homemade focaccia.  If you are one of those freaks who considers yeast and honey and all that stuff non-vegan, then skip over it. 

That's all.  Oh, and Obama receiving the Nobel Peace Prize?  Let's not talk about it.  Why? Because there's nothing to talk about.  He hasn't actually DONE anything yet, that's true.  I agree with on this one.   Or SNL, incidentally:

I think that it will give him momentum, and he has inspired people around the world.  So I'll give him that.  And I'd rather him get it now when he is trying to pass these laws and move towards peace, rather than after he got out of office.  Hopefully it will only help the causes over which I'm so unnerved (due to inaction).  I'll try to be a bit more optimistic.  But my cynical side sometimes takes over my pragmatic side when it comes to politics.  So if Obama truly takes this as a "call to action," as an expectation rather than an affirmation, I'm happy about it.
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Peyton said...

I almost asked you what you thought about this in a blog post earlier! Did you see my one about autism? Any thoughts?

Jess said...

Yes, homemade foccacia. Let's do it.

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